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Citizen apprehended with 40 doses of cocaine



During the routine patrol carried out on Sunday, police officers of the Special Operations Group (GOE), apprehend the citizen J.L.B.S. In a suspicious attitude in a neighborhood of Ibarra. In their possession they found a plastic cover with five envelopes of paper with cocaine.

The GOE uniforms were in control in the streets Quito and Babahoyo, in the circuit Lomas, of the Azaya neighborhood in the Ibarra canton. The citizen with nervous attitude walked by the place, to the being intercepted by the police forces was registered and in its power the illegal substance was found.

Amongst the garments was a black plastic sheath and envelopes of paper with a white substance. With the evidence, the citizen was transferred to the dependencies of the Provincial Anti-Narcotics Headquarters, where after performing the chemical analysis of the substance, it turned out to be cocaine with a total weight of 4 grams, equivalent to 40 doses of substance subject to inspection.

The 36-year-old citizen was placed under the authority of the respective authority, meanwhile the substance was registered with the proper chain of custody in the warehouse of the Anti-Narcotics Headquarters (Meneses-SZImbabura / DNCE)

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