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Control of forest products and wildlife



On Friday September 2, between 09H00 to 17H30 police servants of the Environment Unit UPMA they performed a forest products control and wildlife in the area of San Jeronimo, canton Ibarra, in which 3 pounds of meat were seized extracted from a specimen of wildlife known as guanta of mount, which were in a bus type passenger transport vehicle.
Likewise, the uniformed UPMA, together with environmental ministry officials reviewed 4 vehicles type truck and a trailer; which they trasportaban 94.94m3 of forest products from different species with the respective guide mobilization
Los controles son rigurosos y están hechos para evitar la comercialización de carne de animales salvajes o silvestres como en este caso; y el producto forestal ilegal. P. Meneses-SZImbabura / DNCE

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