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Teenager had a bag with marijuana



Police servers of Otavalo surprised a teenager with narcotics while walking down the street Antonio Ricaurte and Christopher Columbus. The minor was in possession of 4 grams of marijuana.
The uniformed personnel who performed routine patrol by the sector realized that a group of teenagers walking in a suspicious manner. One of the minor when he saw the police servants went on headlong rush but was intercepted a few meters away.
The young of 16-year-old was registered and in one of the pockets of his trousers had a plastic bag with a green vegetable substance. With the evidence found, the young was taken to the offices of the DINAPEN of Otavalo where the tax shift ratified and ordered police work is brought to the Anti-Narcotics Unit Imbabura for the relevant legal procedure.
The substance found was subjected to the field test in the presence of the prosecutor, testing positive for marijuana at the minor was arrested for possession of controlled substances and then entered the Young Offenders Centre Ibarra. P. Meneses-SZImbabura / DNCE

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