
Security operation «Fiesta de la Luz»



The National Police of Ecuador in coordination with the Municipality of Quito through a press conference informed the public about the security operation during the «Fiesta de la Luz» event.

The event will be held from August 9 to 13, 2017, for which a series of parameters were managed that contribute to the safety and protection of the spectators. The National Police will support with 1250 police, in the preventive axis: urban service and community police, operating: GOE, GIR, Dinapen, Anti-narcotics, Judicial Police, Tourism, GOM, and the different intelligence units. In addition, 9 mobile health care units (UMAC) have been located for security and assistance.

General Mauricio Gutiérrez Commander of the Metropolitan District of Quito said «The entire route will be protected by the Police so that the festival is safe for the entire community of Quito and visitors. They are assigned anti-explosive reaction equipment, at each of the points we have permanent staff with the aim of guiding and preventing adverse events. »

Similarly, the Mayor of Quito Mauricio Rodas expressed «I want to thank for the permanent support of the National Police, for the important contingent will provide in this Festival of Light» ..

It will be distributed 7 points of citizen attention and a unified command post in the square Plaza (PMU) Andrade Marín, Plaza de Santo Domingo, Church the Company, Church the Merced, Church the cathedral, Place of the Theater, Church San Blas, Church la Basilica.

The uniformed ones will be located strategically. Control of the correct use of public space and of the protection of citizen security will be assumed. The service in the UPC and the patrol in the city will not be affected and the operation is maintained throughout the DMQ. / Ana Ayala / DNCE /.

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