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Rigorous control transport of forest products



The Police Unit Environment UPMA Imbabura, continues to rigorous control the transport of forest products in the province. On Thursday, the uniformed verified the mobilization guides in Cotacachi and Ibarra several vehicles traveling with timber cargo. In operating also they participated officials from the Ministry of Environment.
In the sector Morochos in Cotacachi, the unit of the Environmental Police patrolling the main roads and second-order checked a trailer type vehicle transporting forest products of the species Eucalyptus with a volume of 41.49 m3 with the respective flow guide .
At San Jerónimo control
In Ibarra, in the area of San Jeronimo forest control was carried out jointly with Ministry of Environment of Quito. 4 vehicles type truck carrying products of need first and 3 public transport buses were reviewed by law enforcement officials; as well as they verified the documents of 6 vehicles transporting forest products with a total volume of 148.34 cubic meters of species of eucalyptus and bamboo cane. Drivers had the respective guide mobilization.
Captain Victor Carrera, head of the Environmental Police, said the checks are done at anytime throughout the province, both for the transport of forest products and wildlife such as illegal logging. «We care nature to live in harmony with it,» said the official. P. Meneses-SZImbabura / DNCE

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