
Police reinforces security through comprehensive actions in San Lorenzo



The National Police of Ecuador through personnel of San Lorenzo district, before the current state of emergency provided by Executive Decree 296, has reinforced the security operations, through prevention activities, registration and verification of external security of public institutions, banking entities, commercial premises, tolerance centers and homes, in order to avoid any event that disturbs public order. In recent days law enforcement officers working in the canton, are performing comprehensive security actions before any suspicious situation that may arise such as:

Daytime interdictions have been carried out through the Special Operations Group (GOE), Intervention and Rescue Group (GIR) and Anti-Drug Mobile Special Group (GEMA), which consist of the execution of mobile registries and controls in the different parishes together with personnel of the Regional Canine Training Center (CRAC), which is used for the detention of prohibited substances, as well as guar and defense.

The “Safe City” plan was developed, which deals with the distribution of police personnel through the different strategic points of the canton, terminal, roundabout of the station and seafood market, Av. Imbabura to the 5 corners, banking and commercial sector, hostel; among others.

In addition, an anti-explosive preventive register was carried out, with the help of detective dogs of explosive material in the building of the Mayor of San Lorenzo, Prosecutor’s Office, Judicial Council and its surroundings.

Technical staff of the National Communications Office carried out, the technical inspection of the San Lorenzo, Alto Tambo and Rio Verde repetition sites of the National Trunked Network (RNT), which provide radio communication coverage to the San Lorenzo district, after having passed the alarm registered in the monitoring system.

Among the operations, citizens Miguel T. and Nelson G. were apprehended for the alleged crime of trafficking in Hydrocarbons, who were mobilizing 55 gallons of fuel without their respective legal documentation.

The National Police of Ecuador will continue with control operations in the San Lorenzo canton, especially in the most vulnerable sectors, in this way the security of the citizens is guaranteed, in order to placate possible attacks that generate alterations in public order. We seek to maintain calm, criminal groups will not be  allowed to attempt against the tranquility that uniforms calm, criminal groups will not be allowed to attempt against the tranquility that uniforms provide every day in every corner of the country. Ana Ayala / DNCE

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