Noticia Destacada Ingles

Know and prevent cyberbullying



The Internet and social networks are part of our lives, largely due to the huge range of information and resources offered. In this situation, the National Police through the National Direction of Communications, informs the community about the dangers that can cause cyberbullying referred to is the use of electronic media (Internet, mobile and online video games) to exercise harassment on victims; serious consequences on them and those around him.
When we have a case of cyberbullying?

This arises when a child or adolescent torments, threatens, harasses, humiliates or annoys another / a by internet, through mobile phones, gaming consoles or other telematic technologies.
Main features of cyberbullying

Anonymity: cyberbullying often facilitates anonymous stalker or stalkers. While we should not deceive ourselves, in most cases of cyberbullying, the bully is someone close to the victim.

Repeat: new technologies facilitate the abuser may harass his victim repeatedly. Example, (a video that commits the victim, you can upload it to different media to see what most people, blackmail, etc.)

Protagonists of cyberbullying: the people involved in a process of cyberbullying can play different roles:

Aggressor who does the bullying

Victim who suffers harassment

Reinforcer: that stimulates aggression favoring it

Assistant: helps the aggressor materially to commit harassment

Defender: try to help the victim to get rid of harassment
Types of cyberbullying:

Exclusion is to marginalize the victim of certain environments such as chats, social networks, forums, etc., and make expansive such exclusion.

Harassment: the aim is mainly to humiliate the victim, by sending videos or images that harm you, comments, SMS, among others.

Handling misrepresents information concerning the victim and spreads to harm the victim.

Means used: the most used are computers, phones, consoles, using channels such as internet, messaging, social networks, mobile applications, etc.

Tips to face cyberbullying

Keep calma.- should not act immediately or respond to an episode of bullying. It is best to stay away from the device or social network where cyberbullying is occurring.

Don’t responder.- The stalker looking provoke their cyberbullying. They expect you to answer or get mad. Do not do it. Ignore any comments or messages.

Make capture pantalla.- If you think you should tell your parents this harassment, teacher, or even the police need evidence that you are suffering cyberbullying. Make screenshots with messages and photos you receive.

Talk to an adult confianza.- cyberbullying is difficult to overcome alone. Get advice from a trusted adult.

Blocks stalkers in redes.- All social networks and Internet services have an option to block users who do not want to keep contact. Immediately blocks users who harass you.

Time to get serio.- If, after completing the above steps, the harassment continues and think poses a threat to your safety, it’s time to get serious. Tell your parent, a teacher at the school or the police, if necessary. Cyberbullying is a criminal practice, law and society are against these behaviors. They put the means to end the harassment.

Review your lists friends.- Check out the lists of friends from your social accounts and deletes those who do not know.

Remember, respond to cyberbullying or do nothing only serves to worsen the problem. There are ways to combat it effectively. Bullying is not the end of the world if you stay calm and do not let carried away by their traps. / DINATI / DNC / M. Rojas

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