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In the north of Guayaquil they arrest two suspects carrying a gun and a knife



The Comander of Model District, Tcnl. Maciel Ochoa Benites, reported st 09:45, on monday, in the 18th stage of the La Alborada citadel, have been apprehended Johnny Felix C. 30 years and Wilson Alexander P. 20 years, bearing a firearm and a knife.
The Tcnl. Ochoa Benites, said that the police action by the Alborada circuit, when they do a operating of vehicles control, motorcicles and persons, they observed a mortorcicle with twoo persons on board, a fact that led to the police servers, start continous persecution by several avenues and streets of north of Guayaquil.
In this area, said the police officer, the occupants of the motorcycle Brand Daytona Dy150-D, Black, IE172V plate, despite orders to stop the march have been achieved in the 13th stage of the citadel La Alborada, where it did registration have seized the following evidence:
Held by Felix Johnny C., a revolver. lime 38 and held by Wilson Alexander P. CH., One black suitcase with yellow, the same containing two watches, two keys tool and a weapon (knife) and motorcycle Brand Daytona Model Dy150-D Color Black Plate IE172V.
In Unit Flagrancy where they were taken together with the evidence, the prosecutor on duty Julio Sanchez Mera, ordered the arrests and that the evidence be admitted to the cellars and courtyard of vehicular retention 8. Zone (Oswaldo Trujillo Padilla DNCE Zone 8 ).

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