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In complex Cisne 2, was fulfilled meeting rapprochement between police and community



With the participation of about 60 habitants of Portete District, Saturday from 08:00 they were met at the sports complex Cisne 2, located on the 11th and D, a suburb of Guayaquil, various activities organized by the Community Police (Polco) to be closer to the community

From the early hours the Community Police Unit and polycycles, received the community was invited to the first day in which he offered in the sports side to improve health, exercises to improve blood circulation, therapy dance to achieve a improved elasticity of the body and educational brochures for self-protection part was delivered.

Police Captain, Maria Belen Escobar, manager of the meeting Police- Community said the Community activity has only one purpose to sensitize the people through recreational activities on the need for self-protection measures to avoid becoming victims of crime and they know they have a police force that is concerned for their safety.

The activity not only was full of exercises and training, also Police introduced the band Instrumental Music Zone 8, which was commissioned to provide a retreat full of rhythms national and tropical slang, Paquito playful group and friends, with messages to prevent drug use and the Regional Canine Training Centre (CRAC), with a show of skills and abilities of the trained dogs that were guided.

Eventually the population retired satisfied and committed to continue to attend future meetings. Meanwhile the group of policemen, committed to spread this type of days to reach the proposal to be closer to the community. (Oswaldo Padilla Trujillo DNCE Zone 8).

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