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«Golden Police» Award



The reason for this open competition is to recognize the composers and performers who through their music help to strengthen the culture of citizen security in Ecuadorian society, a cultural event organized to commemorate the 79 years of professionalization of the National Police of Ecuador.
Composers and songwriters police and citizenship in general who have this talent can apply for this award, under the following parameters:
Competition rules:
• The musical compositions should contain messages referring to citizen security, values and the relationship with Ecuadorian society through themes that eradicate domestic violence and gender, alcohol consumption drugs, femicide, trafficking in persons, Disrespect to police officers, in addition should highlight the man and woman police for the work they perform for the benefit of the country.
• Entries will be from January 19 to 29, 2017 on the Institutional website:; In which the contestant will fill out a form with his personal data and will send an audio attachment with a maximum time of three and a half minutes in mp3 format, to the email
• The best literary themes (musicalized) sent by the contestants will be selected under the endorsement of the National Police and the House of Ecuadorian Culture.
• The selected topics will be announced on February 2, 2017, starting at 3:00 pm, on the Police website:
• The winners will receive the award called «Gold Police».
• The National Police invites its human talent and the general public to participate in this first recognition that rewards the artistic contribution in favor of citizen security.

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