Noticia Destacada Ingles

Critically wounded, after attack in Morona, he is transferred to Cuenca



After the violent events recorded, the afternoon of Wednesday, December 14, at La Esperanza camp located in San Juan Bosco, the number of seven wounded and one deceased, of the public force, were made official.
Five policemen and two soldiers were victimized by firearms, of large caliber. The deceased officer belongs to the ranks of the National Police and had the police rank.
The Ministry of the Interior confirms that the transfer of one of the five wounded policemen, the Subtenant Fernando V., to the city of Cuenca is being carried out to be treated in the neurosurgery and intensive care unit of a health home, for his critical condition. According to the first medical report the patient has a severe traumatic brain injury, resulting from a firearm impact.
This Portfolio of State has made the necessary arrangements so that the relatives of the second lieutenant are transferred to Cuenca, to accompany in all the procedures to the uniformed one.
The other agents of the order are stable. In the next few hours will be informed of the health conditions and evolution of the injured, assisted in the various health homes. Quito / DNCE Writing

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