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40.25 m3 of eucalyptus retained by the UPMA



The afternoon and evening of tuesday, june 28, police of enviroment unit of Ibarra retained 40,5 m3 of forest products illegally transported during a control operation carried out in the ares of San Geronimo, in the canton Ibarra.
The police of the UPMA, realized that a platform vehicle, Kenwork brand, transited by the police control where it was revised. The automotive transported eucalyptus wood species, whose driver presented a guide movilization incorrect data, so in compliance with the forestry law in Article 56 paragraph d, retained the plataform with the wood and taken to court retention vehicle of the Chief Traffic Ibarra, where remains in custody while legal proceedings are conducted pertinentes.P. Meneses-SZImbabura / DNCE

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